I post this not only because is an interesting article, but also to underline that more and more often Economist article are noted by the blogger community.
Edward Felten, fair-use freedom-fighter. Great Economist article on Edward Felten, the "Tinkerer's Champion." Edward and his colleagues were sent legal threats by the RIAA when they prepared an academic presentation exposing the vulnerabilities in SDMI, a copy-prevention schemes for digital music. The EFF took up his case and made the music-bullies back down. [Boing Boing Blog]
10:02:17 PM
Why waste cloning on baseball only? Cloning Pelè or Maradona would be much better. ;->
ESPN: "Reports that the son of Ted Williams has frozen the body of the late baseball great, with the alleged hope of reproducing him in some form at a later date, has been met with bewilderment and disgust in baseball circles. But the rational truth, say scientists, is that cloning of humans is right around the corner -- and elite athletes possess some of the most exquisite DNA." [Scripting News]
6:23:34 PM