Developers: we users are waiting, and we hope also to have something to push to our corporate clients.
I have played a little with Mikel Maron new myRadio tool. Also if it's still in an early release stage, it looks incredibly promising. It starts solving the problem of too many channels in the news aggregator. I organized my feeds in 4 different pages (evectors, blogs, italians, news) and now everything is much less cluttered and since the GUI is very similar to my.yahoo it's somehow familiar. This is definely a very important piece for the future of Radio news aggregator. [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]
9:38:54 PM
As much as I like the weblog world I think this is an overstatement :-)
Welcome to 1984. MIT Technology Review: "Technologyespecially infomation and communications technologyhas been the most liberating force in history. ... It was not Stalinism, but the flow of information that proved to be unstoppable." Weblogs are a large part of this, allowing "the rest of us" to get the word out. What word? Whatever they feel is important, even - and especially - if they think that they know the truth better than the press is reporting. [Steven's Weblog] via [Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog]
9:34:20 PM