Via Paolo, Apple refugees. I am considering buying a Mac for my wife (first PC ever). How will she dubbed then?
Apple Refugees About yesterday's story, Rudy Rugebregt sent this email width a slightly different POV.
re: Apple immigrants and refugees Some of us weren't immigrants so much as we were refugees. I was one of many who, seeing the Michael Spindler "We must crush Microsoft" speech, decided to take refuge at Sun in the early 90's. We watched the homeland burn and spin out of control but kept our faith. Unlike immigrants, refugees yearn to return and bring the language, customs and practices we've learned back to a land we still love. With OSX, we can leverage what we learned at Sun, Cisco, Oracle, Netscape and other refugee camps. It really is that good and deserves a careful look. You don't find indifferent refugees, they are passionate. Immigrants settled. Refugees still want to change the world. [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]
6:25:49 PM
At least there is someone reading my weblog:
A Very Scary Company. One thing I wish the EFF should do. Why don't they blow the trumpet on comScore? This company has tricked millions of people into "download accelerators" and other trojan horse software that tracks their traffic, credit card usage (it actually captures numbers), and more -- all in the name of so-called research. Most of the download accelerator software providers they use are front companies.
Hey, this is one of the worst violations of privacy I have ever seen and nobody knows about them. You know why they don't? Here is the address of the company:
Reston Office (headquarters): 11465 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 200 Reston, VA 20190 Telephone: 703-438-2000 Fax: 703-438-2051 Yahoo Driving Directions
If you don't get the implications of this, ask someone what government agency is based in Reston VA. BTW: comScore just bought Media Metrix and now own the online consumer data market. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
12:48:13 PM