Does tab completion work in Windows?
but it is hugely convenient and available with just a registry change. I've tested this in Windows 2000 Pro and Server and its supposed to work also in NT 4. If you don't know what tab completion does, it lets the command processor "complete" commands you have entered by pressing TAB. For example, type dir at a command prompt and then the first letter of the file you want and press TAB it will fill it in. Press TAB again and it will give the next file and so on. Tab completion is one of the unsung wonders of the Unix world and most Windows users don't even know it exists. If you run Windows then you can make this registry change to get Tab Completion:
Windows 2000 Instructions
- For one thing, Make sure you run "cmd", not "command" to get to the command shell
- Go to Start / Run - "Regedit"
- Expand the tree under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then Software and then Microsoft and then Command Processor and edit the value for "CompletionCharacter" to 9
- Exit Regedit
The next time you run a command shell, it will have tab completion. Type dir and then the first letter of the file you want and press TAB it will fill it in. Press TAB again and it will give the next file and so on. [The FuzzyBlog!]