This is my new blogchalk: Italy, Bologna, Quartiere Savena, Italian, English, Massimo, Male, 36-40, Books, Sport. :)
4:25:24 PM
Is strange that I stumbled into this news (from a pointer of John Robb to Jinn) just two days after finishing read "Into Thin Air". The book is very good, and distrurbing. And I agree with HBS that fierce competitivity could severely impair your judgement (Enron docet).
Lessons from a mountain disaster. What went wrong on Mount Everest on May 10, 1996? That day, twenty-three climbers reached the summit. Five climbers, however, did not survive the descent. Two of these, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, were extremely skilled team leaders with much experience on Everest. ... [Many publications] have attempted to explain how events got so out of control that particular day. Several explanations compete: human error, weather, all the dangers inherent in human beings pitting themselves against the world's most forbidding peak. A single cause of the 1996 tragedy may never be known, says HBS professor Michael A. Roberto. But perhaps the events that day hold lessons, some of them for business managers. [Harvard Business School, Working Knowledge] via [Jinn of Quality and Risk]
9:59:18 AM