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Help link 08/07/2003; 22.16.58.

sabato 14 giugno 2003

I had the same experience many times. Usability has yet to come to the mainstream.

Lame Programmers and Credit Card Numbers. Some programmers are so lame that they haven't figured out how to strip spaces and dashes from input. Really. Check Steve's No Dashes or Spaces Hall of Shame for some nice examples. My question for you is this: Would you let a programmer who can't handle sanitizing input anywhere near your e-commerce system? I sure as hell wouldn't. In other news, George Bush fell off a Segway. He's nothing if not funny. To bad he's in charge of the country.... [Jeremy Zawodny's blog]

8:55:21 PM      comment []  Bel post? Si No

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Last update: 08/07/2003; index

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