Fossili di dinosauri piumati in Cina. New Scientist pubblica un articolo sulla scoperta di questi Microraptor Gui che avevano addirittura quattro ali (si sa che i dinosauri facevano le cose in grande).

Aggiornamento: Economist oggi esce con un servizio sulla scoperta (articolo completo riservato agli abbonati). Non dovrebbe essere una bufala:
[..] a note of caution is in order. The last time such a fossil find was announced, in the October 1999 issue of National Geographic, it turned out to be a falsified specimenthe head and body of a primitive bird had been glued to the legs and tail of a theropod. But since Dr Xu and his collaborators were those who uncovered the hoax, there is good reason to believe that some dinosaurs had feathers.
10:20:43 PM