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Top 7 hits for Calabi-Yau flop on..
1.[hep-th/9807014] Black Holes and Flop Transitions in M-Theory on ...
2.arXiv:hep-th/0212263 v2 16 Jan 2003 Flop Transitions in M-theory ...
3.[hep-th/9708065] Moving Moduli, Calabi - Yau Phase Transitions and ...
5.New Developments in String Theory
6.Re: Superstrings & black holes
7.ICTP Preprints Abstract List

Help link 01/06/2003; 1.10.26.

mercoledì 14 maggio 2003

Philip Greenspun scrive in serie due post interessanti. Il primo è un commento sul nuovo lavoro di Edward Tufte. Tufte è un professore che ha scritto un libro famoso (o famigerato, a seconda se chi commenta è pro o contro) "The visual display of quantitative information" che vale la spesa anche solo per le riproduzioni di grafici storici (come la famosa mappa di Minard sulla campagna Napoleonica in Russia). Per farla corta Tufte scrive un saggio contro Power Point che putroppo è a pagamento, il saggio. Personamente risparmio i 7$ perché non ho nessun bisogno di essere convinto.

Slides are useful when you need to show everyone in a room a graph, a photo, or some other item for discussion.  Somewhere in the 1960s and 1970s things went horribly wrong, however, as bullet points began to make their way onto the slides.

Quanto è vero. Purtroppo ora anche i clienti si aspettano le slide e diventa difficile rompere questo circolo vizioso.

Segue, già che siamo in discorso coi grafici, il riferimento a dei grafici bellissimi (anche se a mio parere non chiarissimi, sarà che di azioni non capisco niente, io spendo tutto)

Now that Edward Tufte's name has come up it seems natural to start thinking about information design.  [..] the market maps at (click on "maps" and choose one) [..] make it easy to visualize how important an industry is and whether the stocks in that industry are going up or down.[Philip Greenspun Weblog]

11:42:23 PM      comment []

Ma guarda un po'. L'evangelista neocon comincia ad avere qualche dubbio (nel resto dell'articolo però se li rimangia).

It's clear now that we have seriously under-estimated the difficulties of imposing order on post-totalitarian Iraq. The shake-up in leadership there suggests at least that Washington is aware of the problem. But some of the damage has already been done. It's hard to read stories about continued looting in Baghdad or dangerous chaos in the hinterlands, without wondering if the administration is as committed to the difficult task of reconstruction as they need to be. The real worry, it seems to me, is that some WMDs may have been transported out of Iraq, may be in the hands of terrorists, or simply on the market. We have thousands of gallons of anthrax still unaccounted for.[Sullivan]

E anche:

[...]we were led to believe that there were large quantities of dangerous materials that posed an imminent threat. If they are not found, the public needs an explanation. We need to be told what exactly, for example, was true in Colin Powell's December address to the U.N., and what was not. We need to know that we were not deceived or that the intelligence services are not wildly incompetent or politically manipulable. I don't know the answer; but I do know we need one.

Una cosa c'è da dire sugli americani. A quanto pare non hanno (ancora?) copiato il nostro esempio.

2:41:41 PM      comment []

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