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Help link 06/07/2003; 23.23.25.

giovedì 5 giugno 2003

Non credevo, ma sono riuscito a trovare una testimonial della maglietta confusa più bella di Selvaggia. Certo, sono gusti personali, ma per me non c'è partita.
10:24:07 PM      comment []

Economist commenta il cambio di regime al corriere in questo articolo (purtroppo è premium content).

Italy has a sad record of journalists succumbing to pressure from politicians and officials. Quite a few of them are virtually bought by powerful interests; many find it hard to fend off the combination of temptation and bullying that the government has at its disposal, all of which makes Corriere's role all the more vital.

The new editor, Stefano Folli, has been a respected columnist at Corriere for 12 years. He will try to maintain his predecessor's independence. The litmus test will be whether reports of criminal cases involving the prime minister and his friends remain comprehensive and trenchant.

7:53:42 PM      comment []

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