Mia figlia ha quasi dieci anni, ormai saremmo a tiro, ma non dimostra interesse per queste cose, e mio figlio ha solo sei anni. Maledizione, quanto devo aspettare per comprare Lego Mindstorm NXT? La recensione di Ars Technica è a dir poco trionfalistica (fra i "contro" c'è un "Does not include a death ray"):
With plenty of detailed build instructions and step-by-step programming
guides, it's simple enough for kids to get the hang of, but the system
exposes enough complexity that adults can dive deeply into it. If
you're the kind of person who wants nothing more than to build a robot
scorpion that can drive around the house and grab the cat's tail in its
claw, you can do that. But if you want to rewrite the entire NXT
firmware, build your own RDF sensor, design a LabVIEW control for it,
and control the entire thing from your PDA, you can do that too.[Ars Technica]