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giovedì 28 dicembre 2006

Anche Joel Spolsky parla dei famosi notebook regalati da Microsoft. Che cosa ne pensi si capisce dal titolo del post ("Bribing Bloggers").

This message was brought to you in part by Fog Creek Software[..] Fog Creek and I hope that you will feel goodwill towards us as a result and hopes you will consider evaluating our software products, and, if you find they meet your needs, we hope you will buy them so that we can afford to not only pay our programmers, staff, landlord, and bandwidth bills, but perhaps have a little bit of money left over to give the owners a dividend which, in my case, will probably go towards a new hot tub. By reading this article you are contributing, at least indirectly, to the Joel Gets a Hot Tub fund.[Joel Spolsky]

Aggiornamento: mi pare rilevante anche quello che scrive Ars Technica:

Do you really think Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal goes to some secret underground Apple Store to buy his hot new iPod to review a month before it's even announced? Do you think hardware review sites sneak into processor fabs late at night to gain access to hardware samples that won't be on retail shelves for months? Do you really think they're sending all of that stuff back? Some are, some aren't, and to be honest, I have no idea if Mossberg keeps the top secret stuff he's sent or not. For someone like Mossberg or someone like me, keeping the stuff isn't one-fifth as important as just having access to it in a timely fashion. That whole angle has been largely lost in this discussion, and it's a shame.[Ars Technica]

10:00:30 PM      comment []

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