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Niente preliminari di Champions?
Sir Squonk
5/23/05; 2:36:25 PM
Massimo Morelli
5/23/05; 6:21:44 PM
Hello!How are you? My name is Taka Okubo.I play futsal at Tochigi prefecture in Japan.I made BLOG of the team'OKUBO SHOUTEN'. Could you access my Blog and Link? Please reply. Thank you.
5/23/05; 7:49:13 PM
Dear Taka, I think something is broken in your blog, because it appears to me as if written in japanese. Or it is so by design? More on the serious side, it would be pointless for me to link to your blog, as probably any of my readers understands japanese (and I speak barely english, as you see). Thanks anyhow for visiting my blog, Taka, and good luck to your team 'OKUBO SHOUTEN'
Massimo Morelli
5/23/05; 8:49:37 PM
Ciao Massimo, siete veramente così in pochi a giocare?Se vi può far comodo un 19enne fammi sapere! Andrea
5/26/05; 9:57:04 PM
Andrea scrivimi:
Massimo Morelli
5/26/05; 11:16:51 PM